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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

December 26, 2006

Brady had his first doctor appt. today. He received an A+, and hopefully we will be going home before he needs another one! He was 5 lbs. 4.5 ounces, so he is really getting to be a big boy! He thanked the doctor for his services by peeing all over the exam table, so I'm sure they won't be sad we aren't return customers!

Reese is taking 4 bottles a day, and she is finishing most of them. She is now 3 lbs 14.8 ounces, so we are pretty sure she is going to be the big 4 lbs soon! She doesn't seem bothered by the Special care nursery at all. Many of the other babies cry frequently, but she is very content and patient. Her Nanna stayed with her for a couple of hours while Gary and I went to the doctor's appt, and Nanna claims they had a good time! We still don't know how fast she will progress or when discharge may be. She is doing fine for her age. They are 36 weeks today!

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