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Monday, January 04, 2010

Super Why!

A big thank you to Jessica, Charlie, Clare, and Cody! The kids loved their "Super Why" super hero outfits! They looked pretty cute, too. Thankfully we didn't get any pictures when Gary and I were forced to put on the costumes. I looked pretty cute, but Gary just looked silly (ha ha).

We also appreciate you taking care of the kids when we went to celebrate. You guys are great!

Happy Heart Anniversary!

Gary and I had planned to go out to eat for quite some time to celebrate the one-year anniversary of my transplant. We stopped by Harrah's, since it was obviously a lucky day for me. I won! My last hand was a big payout (well, big in my book), so Gary practically pushed me toward the cashier. We ate at Emeril's, and it was fabulous. Thank you for celebrating with us in thought and prayer!

Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year's Celebration!

We all toasted the New Year (at 7:00 p.m.), and Brady and Reese had orange juice for the first time. No, we didn't give them champagne. However, they look a little tipsy in some of these pictures! If you are wondering why Gary and I have a picture that is a little off, we had Brady take it. Never trust a 3 year old with your camera!

Check out Brady's face. He obviously did not enjoy the orange juice!

Goin' to Grandma's

We were so grateful that Lesley was able to take us to Clifton to visit Grandma and the Outlaw family! We weren't able to stay long, but it was worth the trip! Grandma cooked up a storm, so again, we ate and ate and ate. The kids loved to play there, and I am pretty sure they challenged everyones' endurance!


Grandmother had all kinds of surprises and fun things sent to the house for Christmas: gingerbread houses, stockings, decorations, and much more!

(I threw the picture of Brady in his Cowboy sweatshirt in just for Gary!)


After we finished exercising, Brady said, "That was harder than I fot!"

Whatcha cookin' Nanna?

Nanna was a mad woman in the kitchen, much to our benefit! We ate well, and packed on a few lbs. It was completely worth it!

The Outlaws

Hunter has gotten so big! He is also very fast, and very active. Sounds like a little boy I know. Sorry, Justin and Ragan. You are in for many more adventures! Just kidding. "Adventures" turn in to great stories in the future. For example, one Christmas Brady threw a fit in church, because he wanted a dum dum sucker. He had already eaten 4. He took it out on the lady in front of us by throwing his candle. Fortunately, only several hundred people witnessed it. Oh yeah, that was this Christmas!


As you can see, Harley is doing much better after he was attacked by a stray dog in the neighborhood. What a fighter! However, the kids were probably enough to kill him.


Christmas was so fun at Nanna and Papa's this year! It was much different from the Christmas we experienced last year . . . I was in the hospital 2 days before and 2 days after Christmas day, PICC line with meds, very tired, etc. I had so much energy this Christmas, and I needed it! I can't possibly post all the pictures that we took, but I think you can see how blessed we were to spend time together. Grandmother was also able to join us, so it was an extra special time!

Notice any tear stains?

It took me over an hour to get Reese into the gorgeous dress that Taylor brought for her that she had outgrown. I usually don't fight the clothing (too much), but I wanted her to actually match at the Christmas Eve service. I should have taken a million pictures, but most of them would have shown a red-faced red head and her crazy Mommy rolling on the ground, zipping and re-zipping, chasing and falling, etc. Let's just stick with this one. She is obviously sporting a fake smile!

Visiting in Midland

We were so glad to be able to see Piper and Katie (briefly) in Midland. Unfortunately, one of my children was going through a temper tantrum streak, and I had to take that child out of the Children's museum several times to call that child down. It was not fun, because it was an all out battle. I won, of course, but needed a three hour nap to recover. That didn't happen.

I am going to post a picture that depicts three lovely children playing peacefully at the museum. One can dream!

Papa made us a tent!

The kids were thrilled that my Dad set up a tent for them to sleep in. They actually slept in it during naps (that is, when they took a nap), most of the night, and they played with Taylor in it. I am surprised the tent stayed up! We ended up bringing one home with us, and it is currently stationed in the living room. Just when I thought I was reclaiming part of my house . . .

We're going on an airplane

I was a nervous wreck to get them on an airplane again. The last time we flew, we went to San Diego, and they were 16 months old. That was not fun. We are also potty training right now. They are doing well, but I wasn't sure how they would respond to airplane "lavoratories."

It was hysterical that Reese enjoyed looking at the sky mall, since that is how Gary and I met and entertained ourselves on the flight from Vegas to Houston. The dvd player was also helpful, and dum dum suckers. It is amazing how much stuff it takes to fly. I flew alone with them from Dallas back to New Orleans, and they were still very good. No accidents, no black eyes, no being kicked off the airplane. What a success!

Cowboys come to town!

There were some tears in New Orleans on December 19th! Oh how Pete, Teresa, and I were harrassed. Luckily, no one got violent, but it was a beautiful day for Cowboys fans! Now my fear is that we are going to have to face the Saints again in the playoffs! I think I will say no more . . . (unless the Cowboys go to the Super Bowl)

Go Pancho Pete!

Christmas preparation

Brady and Reese enjoyed getting and playing with the indian attire that Aunt Lisa and Uncle Bill sent. I thought they looked precious, but it was concerning that they had another weapon in the house! Notice that Reese already had a black eye.

We also made some "rice crispy houses." They really loved their creations.