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Monday, December 31, 2007

So grown up!

Brady and Reese are really growing fast! Reese finally has a couple of visible teeth, which is a little bit of a relief. Some of you don't know, but we were encouraged to get dental x-rays on her, since she didn't have any by her first birthday to make sure she had them in her head! Baby dentures did not sound like fun. It is good to know they are actually there! She has also decided to start walking all over the place, and doesn't have a problem keeping up with Brady! Exciting stuff!

Brady is fearless. I have never seen a child voluntarily stick their face under the bath water with no prompting! At first I thought he was just experimenting, but now I am pretty sure he is practicing scuba diving! Maybe he will be a swimmer! It is really funny to see!

We have a couple of fun things coming up . . . Mardi Gras Barkus parade, family coming in March, Uncle Joey coming home in February, good times!

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