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Monday, December 22, 2008

Big 2 Birthday!

We decided to have a quiet family day for the kids' birthday, and celebrate big at the party at the Monkey Room. We decided to take them to Chuck E Cheese for lunch, and by the way, that is the exact opposite of quiet. The kids took off as soon as we got there. I was surprised that they were pretty brave with all the older kids running around, and it is definitely overstimulating in there. We had to drag Brady out kicking and screaming, and Gary barely got him into the car seat. They were passed out before we even got home. They were so tired that we were able to wiped down their hands, faces, take of their shoes, and get them in bed without waking. It was at that point that Gary and I realized that one of the passengers did not make it home. Baby was no where in site, and there is one and only one baby. Gary flew back to Chuck E Cheese with a bad feeling that Baby was gone. Before you all start to grieve . . . Gary did find Baby. She had fallen out on the sidewalk, and was laying there waiting for her rescue. Tragedy avoided.

We also let the kids make and eat cookies,and open presents. We probably crammed a little too much into one day, but it was great. They are our angels!

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