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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January 3, 2007

Well, it looks like we are getting a little closer to discharge, even though I can't say exactly when that will be. Reese is now taking 6 bottles a day, and if she takes the entire amount for about 2 consecutive days, they will probably bump her up to 8 bottles. She has to take 8 bottles for at least 2 days before they discharge. She will have to pass her car seat test, and get a hearing screening in the meantime. I don't know if I can even express how happy we will be to get out of this hospital!

Brady is still doing well, but he is a little confused as to when he should be sleeping, and when he should be seeking attention! He is quite restless at night, but sleeps like a log during the day! I tried to make him get up and play with me yesterday, but he would have nothing to do with it! He is on a pretty consistent eating schedule, so we assume that he will be content and settled by the time Reese comes home, so we can start all over again!

By the way, my digital camera has become a casualty to the hospital, so it will be awhile before I have some more pictures! I guess I will be resorting back to disposable cameras for awhile!


Anonymous said...

When we first brought Lyle home (over 31 years ago!) he would wake up about 2:00 a.m. each morning and stay awake for an hour or so. It turned out that one of the night nurses had been holding and playing with him while she did her paperwork about that time every night! He was used to having attention at that time. Since he was in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks, he had plenty of time to be spoiled. Someone may have been giving Brady attention at night and he is expecting y'all to do the same! You will have to re-train him. I can't wait to see pictures!


Anonymous said...

Jamie & Gary, I just can't wait until the four of you come home. It is so hard not to be able to go over to NICU and see the babies (sometimes we take advantage of how easy/convenient it is for us to be able to stop by). I hope to see you all in a week (hint).
