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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Out with the old, and on with the poo . . .

When will the word “poo poo” not prevail in conversations with my children? Seriously. Please feel free to offer some worldly advice, because years of education and experience working with children are not cutting it. (I could make some sort of crude reference to “cutting” something, but I will refrain.)

Gone are the days of the cute sayings, sentence confusion, and mispronounced words. What happened to, “Who somebody lookin’ at me?” or “Ooooooo my gooooooodness!” Sweet innocence replaced by an obsession with our bowel movements. If I want to get a sure-fire laugh out of them, all I have to do is incorporate some kind of potty humor, and they are reduced to giggles. Not that I ever do that.

As I spoke with Lesley this morning, I discovered that my niece has already transitioned in and out of this stage by the age of 6, so I guess there is hope. However, I didn’t feel quite so hopeful as I pulled in the carpool line to drop them off for their first day of Children’s Day Out. Will I get a note from the teacher? Will they get in time out for calling another child a Poo Poo Head? What if another mother hears of their overuse of the word poop and tell their kids they can’t play with them anymore?

“Hey. Stay away from those Napolitano twins. They have potty mouths.”

If I am being perfectly honest, I am quite positive that it is all my fault. I will confess that I actually find some of the ways they incorporate this into conversation amusing. The problem is that I laughed once. That is all it takes. One little snicker, and you are sentence to a non-stop barrage of the word. Now that they know it makes me mad, they like to slip it in quietly, when I am not expecting it:

“Dear God, thank you for Momma, Daddy, kitty cats, and poo poo . . . “


Well, they are still my babies, and they are obviously budding geniuses. I would love to hear some of the unwelcome phrases, sayings, or words from your little angels. Humor me . . . but don’t squeeze in the word poop!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could offer some wonderful advice but unfortunately we are in the same boat! All my kids talk about poop and booties. I can't seem to break it no matter what I do. I was also afraid of the same thing when they started school. Hey, I guess if no other kids will play with them at lease they can play with my twins!! Rachel

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support, Rachel. I'm glad my kids will still have friends :)