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Saturday, May 08, 2010

What to do?

Rainy day with no electricity. If you have any suggestions on how to explain that to 2 3-year olds, please share. They finally accepted (sorta) that the "Electric Man" at the "Electric Store" has to go and turn our "electricity button" back on. It was a long afternoon of entertaining . . . especially when you have to prove there is no electricity by continuously flipping the light switches in every room - just in case.

Start your own band with Barbie guitar and coffee table for keyboard
Dress like a dinosaur and run in rain
Save some of your favorite toys that have already been drenched in the rain
Eat all the ice cream before it melts
Hide-n-seek in the dark (they already can't find me-this was a tough one)
Shaving cream creations

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