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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Water Play Day

I went to watch the kids at water play on their last day of school. They had so much fun, and they are really going to miss their teacher. Believe me. I am going to miss her, too with the hot summer ahead and 2 3-year olds!

Kid's Kicking Cancer Picnic

We are so glad we made it to the KKC picnic again this year. As usual, Phyllis did a fabulous job of putting everything together. We had a wonderful time! Brady caught 5 fish, Reese caught 2. She didn't want to sit and wait for them to bite. However, she did win a pink cat during one of the games, so all was well with the world.

I am posting the worst picture of me going down that water slide with Brady, but I cannot begin to tell you how much fun that was. Why haven't I been going down the water slide for years? If you are reading this, you are not too old. The little girl manning the slide told me so!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

2 Birthday Parties in 1 Day!

How many people get to celebrate a 1-year old birthday party and an 80 year old bday party in the same day? We went to Cody's party first, and Brady and Reese loved playing on all the cool things they had. They had just as much fun at Mr. Charles and Ms. Margie's house playing in the sand and screaming at the birds. It was a good day!

French Quarter Fest


The kids have discovered that there are ways to get wet at the zoo. We had to pull Brady out of the place kicking and screaming. That is always super fun!

By the way . . . if you are getting on the carousel at the same time as Brady, you better make sure you leave one of the alligators for him, preferrably the white alligator. You should have seen how fast he and Gary bee-lined for the one he wanted. I hope they didn't knock down a few children on the way!

New Toys at Big Play group

They always have something fun going on at the Family Center play group we go to on Thursdays. Someone donated nice, new riding toys for the kids. Reese made them pull out the oldest car at the school, and she was more than content to skid around on 3 wheels. Maybe she has a soft side for the outcasts :)

What to do?

Rainy day with no electricity. If you have any suggestions on how to explain that to 2 3-year olds, please share. They finally accepted (sorta) that the "Electric Man" at the "Electric Store" has to go and turn our "electricity button" back on. It was a long afternoon of entertaining . . . especially when you have to prove there is no electricity by continuously flipping the light switches in every room - just in case.

Start your own band with Barbie guitar and coffee table for keyboard
Dress like a dinosaur and run in rain
Save some of your favorite toys that have already been drenched in the rain
Eat all the ice cream before it melts
Hide-n-seek in the dark (they already can't find me-this was a tough one)
Shaving cream creations