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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brady and Reese line dance

I don't know if it is actually called line dancing still. I am so old. They are already better at that group coordinated stuff than Gary and I. I tried to learn the electric slide about 10 years ago. Yeah. It didn't work out so good for those around me. For some reason, I forget my right and left when I am in that situation. It is kind of like I do when the GPS is guiding me. "Recalculating"

Anyway, Brady just started following along, and do you know that he was pretty good? It was hillarious. Reese jumped in when she saw Brady "getting down." It was actually to that song, to the left, to the right, now clap . . . something like that. I don't even know the name of it. You can see in the pictures that they are actually doing what everyone else is without prompting!

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