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Monday, September 18, 2006

Spike and Tuffy think the new room is for them

New baby update! Lesley went for another ultrasound today with the maternal/fetal specialist, and everything looks great! Brady is weighing in at 1 lb. 3 ounces, and Reese is a close second at 1 lb. 2 ounces! This is excellent for even single babies at this stage (22 weeks), so we are really pleased. He mentioned that Lesley looks to have no problems, and should be able to go to 37 weeks! Another huge accomplishment! Brady is head down, but Reese is sprawled out sideways. Gary says it is just like a woman to take up all the room! We'll show him taking up all the room!!!!! Every time the doctor put the ultrasound wand on Reese, she kicked at him. I guess he is already learning a thing or two about the women in our family. We are hoping that I will be able to attend the next appointment. Then I can kick him if he is bugging her!
On another note . . . Tuffy and Spike think the nursery is for them. I have been putting the furniture together, painting, organizing, and occasionally they sneak in. In the picture you can see Spike trying to lay in it, and the mattress isn't even there! Tuffy is more of an in and out kind of girl, but she loves the orange shag rug! She makes biscuits on it and rolls around like it is her long lost buddy!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!!!
I am so thrilled for you. Twins are wonderful and keep you really busy. I loving hearing the progress of the precious little gifts.

Becky and Ken said...

I just love this!!! You two are going to be wonderful parents and what a blessing to have such a wonderful sister to carry your children for you. Mom said she had a great time at the shower. It is so fun reading all about the progress. It goes by fast and they grow fast. Gage is getting so big!!! I love my sisters being twins. I will keep checking in and saying my prayers for all of you. What miracles!!!

Becky Guthrie, "Gage's Mommy and Caryn's Daughter"

Anonymous said...

jamie & gary:::
I am at Grandmother's now. She told me about the new info, (my comp. is KAPUT) This is SO great!!! I'm so happy for you both
and so proud of Lesley & Nick.

Are these the final names? I love both if you are taking votes!

I'm hoping to be back online this week. please keep me on your list.
I love you . auntie M