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Monday, June 30, 2008

Cooperative play?

Well, I didn't think it would happen any time soon, but the kiddos have started to realize that they can be a benefit to each other. Last night we caught them pulling each other in their little musical wagon around the house. They thought it was hillarious! We were pretty entertained, too. I was a little surprised Reese could haul Brady, but she seemed to have no problems! Sharing is not real common in our household, so this was a rare treat to see them take turns without prompting. Reese's idea of sharing is taking what you have and "trading" for what she doesn't want. Brady insists on you sharing with him by telling you thank you over and over again until he takes it (when Reese doesn't get the hint)! They are so fun to watch. They run around the house shreeking at each other as if they are playing chase. Their laughs bring a lot of sunshine into our lives!

Birthday party

We are starting to really have a nice little toddler social calendar these days! Nothing to overwhelming . . . birthday party here, play date and picnic there, etc. It really is fun to see them in action. Here are some pictures from a birthday party we went to last weekend.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Water Play

Well, it is already hot. We have purchased a few items to make it reasonable for the kids to go outside at least for a little while. I think I am going to have to get in if we stay out more than 30 minutes! They really love the water, so we can't wait to get them to a real pool!

Room View

We had a great view from our room in San Diego. As you can tell by Reese's picture, they even enjoyed tearing up the hotel room!

Eating Out

Well, I guess we determined that white table cloths are still not a good idea for us, but we had a lot of practice with eating out in San Diego!

Balboa Park Puppet Show

The kids love puppets at home, so we attempted the puppet show at the park. They actually really enjoyed the free play with puppets before the show, but the show was a little too old for them. Reese was actually allowed to keep her little lamb puppet during the show, since she was having a difficutl time separating with it!

Museum Pictures

More Museum Pictures

San Diego Children's Museum

This is the toddler room in the museum. It was a huge hit! I wish I had one of these in my house!

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo

San Diego

We went to San Diego in May for my work conference so we could squeeze in a little family time! It was unusually cold for this time of the year, but we managed to make it to the zoo, children's museum, and Balboa park! The kids did great on the airplane considering the last leg was 3 hours. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun! I am going to have to post the pictures in sections.