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Saturday, November 24, 2007

New Developments :)

Over the past few days, Brady has started taking his first steps! He will walk toward us (more like teetering), but it is definitely upright movement! Reese will clap for him and stand up on her own. I think she prefers that we just take her from one spot to another.

We are working on first birthday, first haircut, and first Christmas (together)! This is a very exciting time for us. I am going to attach some pictures of our play times at the house. Crawling all the way in the toy box and peek-a-boo are just some of the favorites. Reese was talking up a storm to Brady the other day and pointing her finger at him at the same time. We assumed that he was being reprimanded in their alien talk, but one can't be too sure. She was passionate about whatever she was saying!

Our First Thanksgiving

Brady and Reese had their first Thanksgiving at Granny and Papa Charles' house on Thursday. They did their share of terrorizing the dogs, bird, and eating newspaper ads, but overall, it was a good day! It was beautiful outside, and all the food was delicious!

Last year at this time we enjoyed some Whataburger in the hospital! It doesn't seem like that long ago that Lesley and I camped out at Presby! Brady and Reese have come a long way!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Playing outside

We had a busy day. After Santa pictures we spent some time outside since the weather has been so beautiful. Outdoor challenges for future reference . . . eating leaves, itchy grass, fast babies.

Visit with Santa

Brady and Reese went to the mall to take pictures as Santa's little helpers! Surprisingly enough, they didn't initially cry or try to eat their hats. As you can see by some of the pictures, Reese eventually was fed up. Neither of them smiled in the pictures, but the ones we purchased actually had both of them looking. Based on the photo session with had with a photographer yesterday, we are just lucky if we can keep them in the same general area. I can assure you that I don't need to be in any of the pictures after I have chased after them the entire time!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Aquarium and Picnic pictures

Aquarium pictures

The otter kept coming up to the glass right in Brady's face when I put him up to the glass. It was really cute. The flash doesn't reflect how eye-to-eye they were. Both the kids loved banging on the glass. I am sure the aquarium staff really appreciated that, too.

Aquarium pictures

The Aquarium

Brady, Reese, and I went to the Aquarium yesterday while Gary went to the game. We met with the Kids Kicking Cancer group that I volunteer for, and we got to see some of our old friends. It was a really fun day, and they were a little more interested this time. We found the "baby area" where they could crawl all over stuff, and they really like that. I had some extra hands helping me (thanks Al, Phyllis), so we made it through the entire aquarium. We had a picnic outside after, and it was a gorgeous day. Brady and Reese tried to eat a little grass, but isn't that just extra nutrients? Maybe that is just dogs :) I am going to attach a lot of pictures.


We went to another festival this weekend since the weather was so pretty outside. They always have good food, so it was definitely worth loading up the kids. Of course, it is pretty hard to keep them contained, and they aren't real interested in staying in the stroller for long. We took them to see the children getting pony rides, we played in the grass, read books, and did a little shopping. I guess next year they will be old enough to get on the ponies! Although it looked like the parents of the children in line were a little more enthusiastic about it than the children. I sensed from the crying and screaming that they might have had something else in mind!