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Thursday, November 30, 2006

November 30, 2006

We started out early this morning! The doctor came in around 6:15 to listen to the babies. That must have made them irritable, because the contractions started immediately after! Lesley received the injection, and they stopped (or temporarily subsided). We had another FFN test to try to predict possibility of delivery within the next 2 weeks, and it was negative again. That means that there is a good chance that the injections will continue to work longer. Apparently after awhile they are not as effective.

It is very cold here! We may see some snow! There was a 40 degree temp drop, but we are obviously not getting out in it!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November 29, 2006

Our camping out at Presby hospital continues, and we are doing fine. We have a calendar up every day and put down all our "appointments" and "errands" to take care of. It helps us feel like we are actually doing something but sitting here staring at TV!

Lesley is still contracting, and it sometimes occurs every 1-3 minutes. She is still responding well to the injection, and the plan remains to try to hold out until 34 weeks. They discontinued the order to receive more steroid injections today, because I guess the babies don't need it . . . or they think we will stay pregnant another week. Everyone has been very good to us here.

We are having a little competition for the next appointment regarding the weights of the babies. Obviously we have nothing better to do! Lesley thinks Brady will be 4 lbs 8 ounces, and Reese will be 4 lbs 3 ounces. I think Brady will be 4 lbs 7 ounces and Reese will be 4 lbs. 1 ounce. No prizes are awarded to the winner, just the satisfaction of being right! Ha Ha!

Talk to you all soon!

Monday, November 27, 2006

November 27, 2006

I wanted to do a quick update, since I am not supposed to be using this computer for personal use! Oops!

We saw the specialist today, and Brady is 4 lb 3 ounces, and Reese is 3 lbs 13 ounces. They should grow 1/4 lb/week in the next 2 weeks as opposed to 1/2 lb for single babies. They look great, and no distress there. However, Lesley and I will almost definitely be here another 2 weeks to hold out to week 34. At that time, we should either deliver or possibly be discharged to see what happens. They just want her to remain pregnant, if at all possible, until 34 weeks.

All is well, and we will talk to you soon!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

update, November 25

I just wanted to try to post a quick update, since it has been difficult to get the news to everyone. We are at Presby, and doing fine. The babies have shown no signs of distress throughout the contractions, and we are at 31 weeks 4 days. They are trying to prolong delivery as long as possible, because every day she remains pregnant reduces our NICU stay by 3 days. We had a NICU tour yesterday, and it is a very nice facility. We both know what to expect based on when we deliver, so it is nice to prepare. The physician says that every week without a delivery is like a year in our time, so it is important to stay pregnant if at all possible. The good news is that Lesley has responded well to the injections and oral meds. They can delay the contractions from 1 hour to 12 hours. The bad news is that it is obviously exhausting for Lesley to experience contractions so frequently, and we cannot leave the hospital until she has been off the injections for 2 days. She has not dilated any more since Wednesdays "activity."

Thank you all for all the prayers, calls, and support. Unfortunately, we don't currently have internet access in the room, so email communication may be minimal. You can call our cell phones, but please leave a message if we don't pick up.

We love you all, and we are very positive that everything is going to be just fine!

Monday, November 20, 2006

November 20, 2006

Lesley is having appointments every week now, since we are starting week 31. They say that everything looks good so far. The babies have "dropped," and she is 1 cm dialated. Their goal still remains to shoot for 34-36 weeks, but Brady and Reese may have different plans.
Anyway . . . everything is going well! Have a Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 13, 2006

More Pictures

More pictures from Brady and Reese's party!

Party for Brady and Reese

Well, Brady and Reese are certainly being welcomed into the world with lots of celebrations! My friends from work through a wonderful shower for us at Jodi's house. If you notice, I brought our first picture of Brady and Reese, so they could join the party (next to the cake)! We had a wonderful time, and I am so grateful that I ended up working with this group of people. They have helped me feel like I was part of the family from day 1! I love you Ochsner friends!

Appointment Today

Lesley had an appointment today, and apparently our little ones are eaters! Brady is 3 lbs 13 ounces, and Reese is 3 lbs 4 ounces! Brady is in the 67% for singletons, and Reese is an average size for singletons. Lesley pointed out that their combined weight is more than Taylor was at birth (6 lbs 7 ounces)! We are at 30 weeks tomorrow. No wonder she is moving a little slower these days! Reese is still breech, but they will probably anticipate doing a c-section anyway. We are thinking it will be within the next 4-6 weeks, but they will not schedule it now. Lesley starts going to the doctor weekly, so I guess we will get updated frequently! Thanks for all your prayers!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Go Saints

I am attaching a picture of Gary's favorite baby gift thus far. It might have also been a good luck charm, because the Saints won today!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

More pictures

They never let me upload all the pictures! Thanks to Sheri and Michele for taking them for me!

New Orleans Shower

My sisters-in-law and mother-in-law hosted a party for me at Wendy's house today. It was so much fun with lots of good food, beautifully decorated, and wonderful family and friends joined us. We are overwhelmed with all the support we have been given! Thanks to everyone! We love you all!